
Products | material characteristics

Materials Characteristics
| Technical information |

For its creations ICMP uses first-rate factory and best-quality products, which, apart from being guaranteed against ageing, allow a high light diffusion. Moreover, thanks to their special structure (shape), they have self-cleaning capacities.

According to the different applications, the company uses:

  • Flat polymethilmetachrlilate (PMMA) plates free from extruded recovered monomer “Plexiglas”.
  • Flat polymethilmetachrlilate (PMMA) plates free from strained recovered monomer “Plexiglas”.
  • Flat compact polycarbonate plates (PC), unbreakable, U.V. rays filtered, self-extinguishing class 1.

It is categorically forbidden the use of aseptic silicone, alcohol and any solvents.

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