
Products | entryway cantilever roof "Welcome"

Entryway cantilever roof "Welcome"
| Some creations | Specifications | Technical information |

The entry-way penthouse “Welcome” is an irrefutable example of creativity and experience.

Also for this creation, ICMP has  carefully studied the technical, economic and aesthetic aspect.


The entry-way penthouses “Welcome” is obtained through the thermoplastic moulding of a polymethilmethacrilate flat plate free from recovery monomer “Plexiglas ®"

Thanks to its shape and structure, that is fully self-bearing, the entry-way penthouse “Welcome” does not need any particular expedient for its installation, and it can be defined as “do-it-yourself” par excellence.

Its dimension can vary starting from a  cord of141 cm up to a cord of 220 cm.

The entry-way penthouse “Welcome” is the answer to any roofing request

Small entryways and/or windows.



| Some creations | Specifications | Technical information |